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Our Services

Web Development
what we offer

Web Services Development

Custom web applications are web based software that are customized as per the client requirements. Since the software applications are developed on the web platform, they require more programming effort and better programming teams that can truly come up with the system that is useful for the business and satisfies all the custom needs. As with all custom software application development, the process of development starts only after the project is finalized and the timelines of delivery are longer than those for readymade software. Standard phases of requirement gathering, development and delivery follow. Below are the services that we offer:

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Website Database

Websites are getting more complex with the online customers looking to perform most of the functions online. As a result the websites are not merely marketing platforms of the businesses but act as multi function applications. They perform business functions varying from being a helpdesk to an online booking platform to something like ordering. With this shift in what is expected out of an application the website databases are now more functional with extensive records repository. They usually have various complex relations defined between the various parameters being used in the applications.

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Custom Application Development for Enterprise Applications

Custom web applications, especially in the case of enterprise web software applications, follow phased delivery models to reduce the delay related losses for the client. This is also a good way of keeping a check that the software in development is in tune with the corporate requirements.

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Custom Web Application Development for Integration with Desktop Platform

With the advent of more advanced development platforms, the lines between web and desktop software application development are blurring, hence in the case of custom web software application development we have to work on desktop platform to provide its inherent benefits to the client.

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Web Services integration in online hotel reservation web application

We developed a web services based application now allows travel agents to access real time data for most optimized booking of rooms. The agents are provided with an interface through which they can search for hotel rooms that are most suitable for their clients. On searching the information, the agent selects the room matching the selection criteria. Once everything is finalizes, the agent initiates the booking process. Each agent is assigned a specific agent code and all requests from the agents are validated by the agent code. Once the code is verified a web services (XML) session is set up during which the agent passes the desired customer parameters to the parent application to check for room availability. The parent application in turn retrieves data in real time and returns the result set. Further, if the any results match what the customer wants, then the booking is made online on the parent application.

New task added for Denial Collins

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real estate

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We want to know what our clients are looking for, what their values are, and how can we meet their needs. It’s not just about Big Data; it’s about translating that into the truth.