Who are
Automate Soft ?!

Automate Soft

Automate Soft For Software Solutions & Web Design, is a leading establishment specializing in software industry and integrated web services, focusing on the development and implementation of software and Internet-related strategies for small and medium-sized businesses. Their services are designed to provide an integrated approach to business strategy with respect to the use of software and web technology. With a strong understanding of business combined with the flexibility of a number of platforms, network technologies and programming software.
Our consultants have the necessary qualification, skills and experience to help clients evaluate business situations, develop technical strategies, analyze business problems. We are committed to helping our clients effectively leverage information technology by providing superior services to meet their goals and objectives.

Co. Automate Soft was established in 2003, that time the company's activity was limited only to meet some clients requirements. Through stages of expansion to  broaden our customer and meet our clients growing requirements, In line with the technology evolving
We went to the integration in the technology field and  trend to specialize in Professional  Software production, Web design, Web Software development, Graphic design, Hosting services, and management software.

Our attempt to continue our achievements and the expansion of our business to include new markets. Found that UAE is one of the most promising markets, we started moving in UAE, in conjunction with our expansion in the area of services to include the growing market for health care and health insurance issues and electronic communication with health insurance companies. In addition to mobile applications.

Brief Of Our History

How we work!?

Our belief - that technology should help businesses simplify their needs and not the other way around, has driven us to build innovative solutions, cutting-edge technologies, and continually pursuing the use of the strategies that aggressively promote such value creation through the five pillars that drive our philosophy — Innovation, Excellence, Organization, Flexibility, and User Friendly.

Our Mission

Devote our full expertise and skills, and harness all necessary resources to create integrated and efficient software solutions based on the highest international standards and the latest software technologies, in order to promote e-business transactions and make business easier, faster, safer, more organized and widespread.
We are working diligently to create a long-term commitment with our clients, to maintain the sustainability of business relations with them.

Our Vision

We are moving toward our vision that Automate Soft one of the leading companies in the software industry and the development of electronic services, and most prevalent in all regions of the Arab world, as well as being an active part of the process of evolution around us, by providing the best software solutions and creative prestigious designs that meet all business needs, and the client's desires.

Our Values

The Quality First - Win together - Customer Satisfaction - Credibility - Integrity - Transparency - Innovation - Creativity - The Continuing Evolution - Dedication to work - Teamwork - Appreciation (We deeply appreciate all those who give us their support, and contributes to the company's success, as we prosper together through sincerity, respect and mutual trust).

business Philosophy

At Automate soft we are dedicated to ADDING VALUE for our clients and the careers of our employees. We share a strong philosophy: Creative and Positive thinking, building long relationships with our clients and building the future, that's why we always strive to provide the world's most innovative and creative software technologies and services, which will meet all the needs of our clients and their specific objectives, and contribute effectively to the process of evolution around us.


Web Design


Software Solutions


Graphic Design


Video Production


Digital Marketing